Privacy Notice

The information you have submitted, including your personal and business information will be held by Alzheimer’s Society so we can access your information for signposting (which may involve us sharing your public contact details with members of the public/service users) and to contact you about your services or the activities of your organisation.

Alzheimer’s Society takes care to ensure the security of your information in use, storage and transmission and that it is only accessed by verified persons who have the necessary authority. All of our people who have access to your personal information are obliged to respect the confidentiality of this information and we deliver training to make sure this happens. Your information is held in our internal database and in the Dementia Directory portal. The servers for our internal database and the Dementia Directory portal are held in the European Economic Area. Where we use other organisations to help us operate (such as to help us send newsletters to you) they may process information outside the UK. However, where this is the case, we make sure that your rights are protected through engaging in appropriate due diligence and robust contract management.

Alzheimer’s Society uses your information under the lawful basis of Legitimate Interest. If you are submitting a service on behalf of your organisation or named individual, please ensure that you have the authority from the organisation or consent from the named individual (as relevant), to do so. By submitting information related to your services for approval you are giving Alzheimer's Society permission to publish the information on the Dementia Directory, which will be available to anyone using it on our website or approved third party websites, except where otherwise indicated (marked withPrivate). you wish to remove any of your services from the online directory, please enter a ‘Closed date’ and submit the change for approval.

Your service provider information will be available publicly while your service is available or until you ask for it to be removed. At this time, the service will be removed from our website and approved third party sites and maintained internally for statistical and auditing purposes.

Should you leave the organisation you work for please contact us and we will make your record inactive.

Further rights

If, at any time, you want to:

  • See what information we hold on you
  • Receive a portable copy of your information
  • Ask for corrections to be made
  • Ask us to stop using your information in any way.
Please do contact us and we’ll do our best to respect your wishes.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about how we are using your information then you can contact us as follows:

  • by phone to to 020 7423 1043
  • in writing to Dementia Directory Team, Alzheimer’s Society, Suite 2, 1st Floor East Wing, Plumer House, Tailyour Road, Plymouth PL6 5FS
  • or by email to
There is also an online form for general enquiries on our website

If you wish to receive a copy of your personal information or ask us to correct the information we hold about you or to stop using your information then please contact the Information Governance Team at:

Information Governance Team
Alzheimer's Society
Suite 2,
1st Floor East Wing,
Plumer House,
Tailyour Road,

Or send an email to:


If you are unhappy with how we are processing your information then you can contact us using the details outlined above. If you are still unhappy after receiving our response, you can raise your concern with the team or the Information Commissioner’s Office for them to investigate.
